IS21 part in a seminar on how doing business in Andorra

IS21 part in a seminar on how doing business in Andorra

The University of Andorra and the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Andorra organize the próximo jueves 2 de junio de 2016 in the Cultural Center and Congress Lauredià the day entrepreneurship debate.

Objective to provide a vision specialist on the opportunities of Doing business in Andorra, the director of Integral Services 21 Jordi Marticella participate in Round Table We are ready to receive foreign entrepreneurs and internationalized us? This mesa redonda moderated by Donna Alcala, divulging also with the participation of tax specialists Abogada, Charlotte Shepherd, abogado and the Aedes Group, Esteve Vidal.

In its intervention, Marticella inquire about the retos current atrás para inversión a foreign Andorra and explain what advantages existing tax for those entrepreneurs that foreigners set up its society in Andorra.

Doing business in Andorra

The day entrepreneurship debate will address topics such as the harpsichord nuevos profile entrepreneurs - millennials - what papel juegan the investment in each Project, as well as what actions they are llevando a cabo from the Government of Andorra to promote entrepreneurship.

Likewise, the conference displayed an adventure ride supone Business -desde initial idea until the desarrollo y puesta marcha- in the hand of four entrepreneurs who have driven ya su negocio in Andorra.

Day entrepreneurship debate

Place: Cultural Center and Congress Lauredià

Hours: 09:00 to 18:00

See the program here
