The Deputy Director of Management and Taxpayer Service Department of Taxation and Borders has published in the Official Gazette of the Principality of Andorra (BOPA) the list of companies and individuals who have not submitted, within the period required by law, the statements concerning the settlements-General Indirect tax (IGI) for the year 2015.
The agency warned last June that taxpayers have a maximum of 13 working days from the date of publication of the edict to BOPA, to regularize their tax situation.
Thus, the Directorate for Management and Taxpayer Service Department of Taxation and Borders reports in accordance with the following articles -An item 83 paragraph 1 of Law 11/2012 of 21 June, the tax indirect general and article 128, paragraph 2, letter g) of Law 21/2014, of October 16, the legal bases tributari- imposed a fine of 150,000 euros to taxpayers who have not submitted his statement concerning the settlement-General Indirect tax for the year 2015
Against this sanction, companies and individuals who wish to have 21 working days from the publication of the decree in the Official Gazette of the Principality of Andorra, to present the documents and justifications necessary to defend their rights. If this is your case, contact IS21 to make the necessary arrangements.
However, in order to submit statements relating to compulsory levies in Andorra by the deadline , from IS21 have the counseling service . We put at your disposal our team of professionals to handle administrative matters, accounting and tax both companies and individuals. Contact us without obligation and we will inform you of our services.